martes, 15 de marzo de 2022



 For sure I didn't know, when I studied it, what pure poetry is. That is why I tried to clarify this concept for myself and I had as models those paradigmatic poems of modernity and purity (absence of topics) such as those of Juan Ramón Jiménez and Miguel Hernández. Specifically, very specifically, from the first "Your faithful site" and "The autumn", and from the second, "Eternal shadow".


In these poems, the tradition of the verse is respected, submitting the language to its demanding structure.


This led me to write poems like the one that follows, in which I try not to have debts with the past in terms of its register. I thought I understood that pure poetry is freeing the poem from ballast.






To Emilio Perez Delgado






You carried a quiver of memories on your back,


darts that you throw at the sentimental target


with trophies of silent sleepless sighs.




I was stowing away your land in the suitcase


keeping quiet like a servant his crippled shortcomings,


the liturgy of work is deserted


Upon an altar of stuffed wait,


empty the promises of a manna for the south.




Socavón the distance has become to you, hole


in which the nights fit smelling of remembrances,


dawns that wander through insomniac silences,


and the heart dismantles its emigrant shed


of gratitude to the host lap,


undressing his circumstances


to stand bare as an angry autumn.




So, so many stones with a glorious surname.


the vines, the olive trees and the salt, comrades


of a cut-out tapestry, they are thrown around your neck


of longing, and you cry, Andalusian on your island


of exile converted to another sky, to another language


in which daily you officiate your absent habit,


in which you dream daily stirring the attic


inside you, in which you keep your most vivid yesterdays,


without being able to remove the shackle you wear,


prisoner of the defenseless beauty you left,


prisoner of beauty that cries in memory.


 From the web Andalusian poets


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