Novela exitosa de Pedro Mata
“Creo en la juventud, en el amor, en el bien
y, sobre todo, en la alegría de vivir.” Esta frase del escritor madrileño Pedro
Mata (1875-1946) es de un optimismo digno de acuñar como moneda de curso legal
para la escritura. Sin embargo, hay escritores que no pueden asumirla porque
sus experiencia vitales son muy distintas.
¿Está a tenor de su vida la frase que grabe un
escritor, poeta o filósofo, como si fuese la clave de su visión del mundo? ¿No
habrá escritores que se parapeten una trinchera de falsa alegría y rotulen su
obra con una tinta llamativa de seducción para atraer lectores?
Antonio Machado también escribió un verso que
está en consonancia con la frase de su contemporáneo Pedro Mata, como éste:
“Creo en la libertad y en la esperanza…”. Sabemos que el poeta sevillano, reconocido
por los críticos de su tiempo y, además elogiado por Ortega y Gasset, padeció
experiencias dolorosas como la muerte de su esposa Leonor y el devenir político
de España como expresa en Campos de
Castilla. Azorín, tan buen amigo de
Machado, teñía su obra descriptiva con un color proclive a la melancolía, no
sabemos si como una actitud contemplativa fuera de lo temporal o como una
visión nada positiva de la
Castilla de sus años jóvenes y maduros, una Castilla como
espécimen de la España
de marasmo, empleando una palabra definidora del léxico unamuniano para este
tema que tanto obsesionó a los escritores en torno al famoso 98. Anteriormente
nacido a Pedro Mata, hay en la literatura hispanoamericana de la época, pero ya
lejos de sus éxitos de a principios de siglo, la figura del colombiano José
María Vargas Vila, autor, tanto en sus novelas como en libros de ensayo, de un
pesimismo trágico y sincero en contraste con el novelista madrileño.
Volvemos a hacernos la misma pregunta: ¿Los
escritores hacen de tripas corazón y ponen proa hacia rumbos más claros y
prometedores con su obra, por encima de sus dramas personales?
Sea como fuere, la frase de Pedro Mata es
seductora y tal vez con ella quisiera darle un empuje a sus novelas eróticas,
que fueron lectura, entre otros lectores ávidos, para una escritora que burló
la censura del franquismo escribiendo novelas de amor donde el sexo no era
estridente y acababa en boda. Hablo de Corín Tellado.
"I believe in youth, in love, in good and, above all, in the joy of
living." This phrase of the Madrid writer Pedro Mata (1875-1946) is an
optimism worthy of coining as a legal tender for writing. However, there are
writers who can not assume it because their life experiences are very
Is the phrase recorded by a writer, poet or philosopher, as if it were the key to his worldview, according to his life? Will not there be writers who parapete a trench of false joy and label their work with a striking ink of seduction to attract readers?
Antonio Machado also wrote a verse that is in keeping with the phrase of his contemporary Pedro Mata, like this one: "I believe in freedom and hope ...". We know that the Sevillian poet, recognized by the critics of his time and, in addition praised by Ortega y Gasset, suffered pain experiencesDare as the death of his wife Leonor and the political future of Spain as expressed in Campos de Castilla. Azorín, such a good friend of Machado, dyed his descriptive work with a color prone to melancholy, we do not know if as a contemplative attitude outside the temporal or as a nothing positive vision of the Castilla of his young and mature years, a Castile like specimen of the Spain of marasmus, using a defining word of the Unamunian lexicon for this subject that so obsessed the writers around the famous 98. Previously born to Pedro Mata, there is in the Hispano-American literature of the time, but already far from his successes At the beginning of the century, the figure of the Colombian José María Vargas Vila, author, both in his novels and in books of essay, of a tragic and sincere pessimism in contrast to the Madrid novelist. We return to ask ourselves the same question: writers They act like guts and put bow towards clearer and promising directions with their work, over their personal dramas? Anyway, the phrase of Pedro Mata is seductive and l time with her I would like to give a boost to her erotic novels, which were reading, among other avid readers, for a writer who mocked the censorship of Francoism by writing romance novels where sex was not strident and ended in marriage. I speak of Corin Tellado.
Is the phrase recorded by a writer, poet or philosopher, as if it were the key to his worldview, according to his life? Will not there be writers who parapete a trench of false joy and label their work with a striking ink of seduction to attract readers?
Antonio Machado also wrote a verse that is in keeping with the phrase of his contemporary Pedro Mata, like this one: "I believe in freedom and hope ...". We know that the Sevillian poet, recognized by the critics of his time and, in addition praised by Ortega y Gasset, suffered pain experiencesDare as the death of his wife Leonor and the political future of Spain as expressed in Campos de Castilla. Azorín, such a good friend of Machado, dyed his descriptive work with a color prone to melancholy, we do not know if as a contemplative attitude outside the temporal or as a nothing positive vision of the Castilla of his young and mature years, a Castile like specimen of the Spain of marasmus, using a defining word of the Unamunian lexicon for this subject that so obsessed the writers around the famous 98. Previously born to Pedro Mata, there is in the Hispano-American literature of the time, but already far from his successes At the beginning of the century, the figure of the Colombian José María Vargas Vila, author, both in his novels and in books of essay, of a tragic and sincere pessimism in contrast to the Madrid novelist. We return to ask ourselves the same question: writers They act like guts and put bow towards clearer and promising directions with their work, over their personal dramas? Anyway, the phrase of Pedro Mata is seductive and l time with her I would like to give a boost to her erotic novels, which were reading, among other avid readers, for a writer who mocked the censorship of Francoism by writing romance novels where sex was not strident and ended in marriage. I speak of Corin Tellado.
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