(Tomado de internet)
los ojos y me traslado a la puerta del Teatro de las Cortes.
los años cincuenta. Son las once y media de la mañana.
Poco a
poco, se acercan niños con carpetas de
tebeos. Se miran como en un tácito acuerdo y se sientan en las aceras.
preguntan por determinados tebeos o por números concretos de esos tebeos. Se
discute esta o aquella condición del trueque, pero se llega a un acuerdo al
fin. Algunas carpetas rebosan de esos tebeos, estallan por los lados, algunos
casi se caen, tal es el desordenado volumen que forman en los cartapacios, y
ante los ojos asombrados y atraídos por el color y la familiaridad con los
superhombres de las viñetas, aparecen El
Guerrero del antifaz y su escudero Fernando tras la búsqueda del moro Ali-kan,
que asesinó a la madre del guerrero, es por aquel entonces el tebeo más
popular. Después le siguen el boxeador Pacho
Dinamita con su inseparable Jipi, su
flaco mánager siempre bajo un sombrero jipijapa. Pacho tal vez estaba inspirado
en el boxeador vasco Paulino Uzcudum; también tenemos al Cachorro con su inseparable Batán y sus enemigos el Baco y el
Olonés, siniestros señores de la guerra con marchamo de piratería; Purk, El Hombre de Piedra, incardinado
en una prehistoria imaginaria; Roberto
Alcázar y Pedrín, incansables investigadores, algo así como Colombos tras
el crimen, aunque en clave de dibujos de historietas; el Aguilucho, un joven
noble de la edad media que lucha por su libertad;El Espadachín enmascarado, que defendía la causa del rey de Francia
en otros países; Jack Hope, un agente que lleva a delante las Aventuras el FBI; Dan Barry El Terremoto allá en el lejano Oeste
luchando contra todo tipo de malhechores, incluidos los clásicos pistoleros, lo
mismo que Hood, El Pequeño luchador,
que se mueve entre apaches con su compañero Matón, un forajido reformado.

(Tomado de internet)
eran los héroes, y otros más que no recuerdo ahora. Ellos alegraron nuestros
ojos en los años en que nos fascinaba la imagen como principio rudimentario del
conocimiento. Era una cultura del ocio que estimulaba la imaginación. Una guía del
entretenimiento a ratos con candor de epopeya, aunque para andar por casa. Era
el desfile por nuestra fantasía de unos personajes que se entremetían en las
entretelas de nuestra adolescencia, encasillada en hacer los deberes del
colegio consistentes en la caligrafía inglesa, saber leer, escribir y el aprendizaje
de las cuatro reglas, con añadidos de cultura general en las enciclopedias
de dos horas en aquel improvisado mercadillo del intercambio de cuentos, como
si se tratara de recabar provisiones alimenticias para una semana, nos íbamos
cada uno a su casa, pero para volver a las tres y pico a ver las dos películas
que ponían en el mismo Teatro como sección de cine infantil, películas que
hallaban eco en nuestro archivo de preferencias, como si El mundo en sus manos, Ivanhoe, Solo ante el peligro, El halcón y la
flecha, El hidalgo de los mares, Jeromín, Calabuch, o Robin Hood fuesen un complemento de esa nutrición adecuada para el
calmar el hambre de nuestra necesidad de fabular, de levantar la curiosidad en
alas de las ficciones como señal de la identidad de unos años que se preparaban
para entrar en el campo de batalla de la vida, un campo sembrado de bombas-lapa
debajo de nuestra ingenuidad, con luchas, fracasos y algunos logros humedecidos con las
lágrimas de las zozobras; pero nunca serían años para ensombrecerlos con
olvido, sino que de vez en cuando emergerían en su mar de añoranza, como vistos
en lo lejano de la nostalgia de aquellas aceras del Teatro, de aquellos
brillantes mediodías y de aquellos tebeos que siguen vivos en el estante
desvencijado y en desorden de la memoria afectiva.
I close my eyes and move to the door of the Teatro de las Cortes.
I close my eyes and move to the door of the Teatro de las Cortes.
The fifties were around. It's half past eleven in the morning.
Little by little, children approach with comics folders. They look
Little by little, children approach with comics folders. They look
at each other in a tacit agreement and sit on the sidewalks.
They ask for certain comics or for specific numbers of those comics. This or that condition of barter is discussed, but an agreement is reached at the end. Some folders overflow with those comics, explode on the sides, some almost fall, such is the messy volume that they form in the folders, and before the eyes astonished and attracted by the color and the familiarity with the supermen of the cartoons, they appear Warrior of the mask and his squire Fernando after the search of the Moor Ali-kan, who murdered the warrior's mother, is at that time the most popular comic. Then follow the boxer Pacho Dinamita with his inseparable Jipi, his skinny manager always under a hat jipijapa. Pacho was perhaps inspired by the Basque boxer Paulino Uzcudum; we also have the Cachorro with his inseparable Batán and his enemies the Bacchus and the Olones, sinister warlords with piracy marks; Purk, The Stone Man, incardinated in an imaginary prehistory; Roberto Alcázar and Pedrín, untiring investigators, something like Colombos after the crime, although in the key of cartoon drawings; the Eaglet, a young nobleman of the middle ages who fights for his freedom, the Masked Swordsman, who defended the cause of the King of France in other countries; Jack Hope, an agent who leads the Adventures the FBI; Dan Barry The Earthquake back in the Wild West fighting against all kinds of evildoers, including the classic gunmen, the same as Hood, The Little Fighter, who moves between Apaches with his partner Matón, a reformed outlaw.
They ask for certain comics or for specific numbers of those comics. This or that condition of barter is discussed, but an agreement is reached at the end. Some folders overflow with those comics, explode on the sides, some almost fall, such is the messy volume that they form in the folders, and before the eyes astonished and attracted by the color and the familiarity with the supermen of the cartoons, they appear Warrior of the mask and his squire Fernando after the search of the Moor Ali-kan, who murdered the warrior's mother, is at that time the most popular comic. Then follow the boxer Pacho Dinamita with his inseparable Jipi, his skinny manager always under a hat jipijapa. Pacho was perhaps inspired by the Basque boxer Paulino Uzcudum; we also have the Cachorro with his inseparable Batán and his enemies the Bacchus and the Olones, sinister warlords with piracy marks; Purk, The Stone Man, incardinated in an imaginary prehistory; Roberto Alcázar and Pedrín, untiring investigators, something like Colombos after the crime, although in the key of cartoon drawings; the Eaglet, a young nobleman of the middle ages who fights for his freedom, the Masked Swordsman, who defended the cause of the King of France in other countries; Jack Hope, an agent who leads the Adventures the FBI; Dan Barry The Earthquake back in the Wild West fighting against all kinds of evildoers, including the classic gunmen, the same as Hood, The Little Fighter, who moves between Apaches with his partner Matón, a reformed outlaw.
These were the heroes, and others that I do not remember now. They
brightened our eyes in the years when we were fascinated by image as a
rudimentary principle of knowledge. It was a leisure culture that stimulated
the imagination. A guide to entertainment at times with epic candor, but to
walk around the house. It was the parade for our fantasy of characters that
were interspersed in the interstices of our adolescence, typecast in doing the
homework of the school consisting of English calligraphy, knowing how to read,
write and learning the four rules, with additions of general culture in the
Bruño encyclopedias.
After two hours in that improvised market of story exchange, as if it were collecting food supplies for a week, we went each to his house, but to return at three o'clock to see the two films that put in the Theater itself as a children's cinema section, films that found an echo in our preferences file, as if The world in their hands, Ivanhoe, Only before danger, The hawk and arrow, The hidalgo of the seas, Jeromín, Calabuch, or Robin Hood were a complement to that adequate nutrition to calm the hunger of our need to fabulate, to raise curiosity in the wings of fictions as a sign of the identity of a few years that were preparing to enter the battlefield of life , a field strewn with bombs-lapa beneath our ingenuity, with struggles, failures and some achievements moistened with the tears of the capsizes; but they would never be years to darken them with forgetfulness, but from time to time they would emerge in their sea of longing, as seen in the distant nostalgia of those sidewalks of the Theater, of those brilliant midday and of those comics that are still alive on the shelf rickety and in disorder of affective memory.
After two hours in that improvised market of story exchange, as if it were collecting food supplies for a week, we went each to his house, but to return at three o'clock to see the two films that put in the Theater itself as a children's cinema section, films that found an echo in our preferences file, as if The world in their hands, Ivanhoe, Only before danger, The hawk and arrow, The hidalgo of the seas, Jeromín, Calabuch, or Robin Hood were a complement to that adequate nutrition to calm the hunger of our need to fabulate, to raise curiosity in the wings of fictions as a sign of the identity of a few years that were preparing to enter the battlefield of life , a field strewn with bombs-lapa beneath our ingenuity, with struggles, failures and some achievements moistened with the tears of the capsizes; but they would never be years to darken them with forgetfulness, but from time to time they would emerge in their sea of longing, as seen in the distant nostalgia of those sidewalks of the Theater, of those brilliant midday and of those comics that are still alive on the shelf rickety and in disorder of affective memory.
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